Friday, July 13, 2012


I was admitted to to the Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn Medical Center, the stroke floor, level 3. Today is a milestone for me in many ways not only the year mark of my stroke but also, a year without cigarettes, and my new healthier lifestyle. Most importantly in this post I would like to thank the staff and team-members that helped saved my life this day one year ago. My Neurology Dr. Reese, Cardiologist Dr. Burke, My Radiologist /Surgeon Dr Newbold , the team of nurses, they truly took every measure to make sure I am here today and are the best staff in the COUNTRY, I am so blessed to have them as my team. My recovery is miraculous and you would never know I have had suffered a stroke unless I were to tell you, I'm lucky as I have reached out to other stroke survivors who had  face paralysis, speech problems, in a wheelchair, or brain damaged. It's hard for me see situations where I feel almost "too lucky" sometimes, just because my damage isn't on the outside, it's on the inside. But that doesn't mean my struggles aren't harder or easier, they are just different in everyone's case. In my case I was given my voice and my life back and I can not express my gratefulness. <3 -Sam


Stephanie said...

I can't believe your story, you are so incredibly lucky to have survived! its amazing you see how lucky you are and want to spread the awareness.

Cris said...

Sam, I'm so thankful for God's hand on your life, especially since the stroke, and I know that He has a good plan for you. I love how you are willing to share your story on behalf of those who can't. I'm looking forward to everything else you have to share!